This project builds off of an abstraction and experimentation project. It continues the theme of abstraction as well as showcasing growth over time. Specifically, it focuses on how much a place can change over time, as well as how a person, me, can develop and grow a certain skill like photography. To keep this project cohesive and centered around a particular theme, I decided to use B&W film photography from November 2018. Then, in April 2019, I went back to the same location (Central Park) and took photos of the same landmarks. I also took photos of different locations that looked similar to the older film photos. I overlaid the new photos that I took with the old photos that I took, and abstracted them using programs like Lightroom and Photoshop. The images of this final piece reflect the central theme of this project in that they demonstrate how vastly different the physical appearance of a place can be after only a few months. From November, the beginning of the winter months, to April, the peak of spring, it is apparent through photos that a place can change because of time and seasons. Furthermore, the photos show my own growth and progress in photography, as the person behind the camera.
A Walk in the Park